New Life for St. Bernadette’s Catholic Church in Bolsover

Now known as St. Bernadette’s Centre

Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Sr Susan Richert

Written by Sister Susan Richert

When St. Bernadette’s closed three years ago, we could not have foreseen the fantastic resource and out reach it would become in the local community. It was difficult accepting the closure of the church and seeing it “up for sale”. There had been some interest in its purchase, some of the proposed uses went against what the church and community would want to happen to the building.

Freedom, a charity established in 2008,  which grew from the Methodist Church  up  to support people living in poverty and  struggling t with the cot of living  within the local community of Bolsover. Freedom also has outreach to other local towns. ) Freedom is dedicating to “uplifting lives, inspiring positive change and championing hope for a brighter future  for individuals and families alike”. When an approach was made to lease the church to them, it was an answer to prayer.  The Church now houses a “Freedom Centre” .

Canon John Kyne was invited to the “official” opening – to cut the ribbon along with  Mark, the Project Leader and CEO and Rev. Shaun  Adair,   the Methodist Minister . Canon John  spoke of his joy and delight in seeing the church used for  “missionary discipleship” – reaching out to those most in need; keeping the name of St. Bernadette in the community. No ordained minister wants to close a church. The grief and sadness felt by the community at its closure was very real – but it now has the hallmarks of resurrection and new life”.  When Canon John received the email from Mark North, the project leader, he was delighted and entered into the dialogue to use the church with enthusiasm and hope.   The church hasn’t closed, its mission is still about providing a sacred space where people can get help and feel safe.

A few weeks later, the community of St. Bernadette’s, Bolsover was invited to join the staff for coffee and to see the project in action.

The links go further. The community of St. Bernadette’s continue to share with the Anglican community at St. Mary’s and St. Lawerence their church. On the first Friday of every month, we gather to celebrate Mass, some of the Anglican community with us, and then share tea, coffee and chat together.

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