Four new members join our community.
We are delighted to announce that four new members are joining our Diocese. We are excited to receive them as they have an incredible experience and dedication that they will use as they embark on their new roles.
Two new priests will be serving in Rushcliffe and Nottingham and Derby. We are grateful for their willingness to share their ministry with us as their presence will help our Diocese and allows us to continue serving our parishioners in the best way possible.
Bishop Patrick said: “I am glad to welcome to our diocese two priests on loan from the Diocese of Moshi, Tanzania.” Father Evarist Kaniki will work alongside Father John Martin, as Assistant Priest in the parish of the Annunciation, Rushcliffe. He was ordinated priest in 2021 and after this, he was an assistant parish priest at St. Teresa of the Child Jesus Parish-Nurumufor two years. Father Evarist said: “I am truly excited because it is my first time out of my country, and it was also my first time on a place –what an experience! I am really enjoying this call, and I am ready for the service”.
On the other hand, Father Deogratias Arumasi will work alongside Father Jonathan Whitby-Smith, as Assistant Priest in the parishes of Our Lady of Lourdes, Mickleover, and Saint Joseph, Burton Road.
In addition to our new clergy, we are also welcoming two new staff members to the Curia. Sam Grimes will be working as a Choral Director from September. His role will be based mainly in the St Ralph Sherwin Trust. Liz Gutierrez is working as an Assistant Communications officer managing theDiocese’s social media accounts and website content. Susan Brumby, has left the diocesan finance department and is now working with Adult Formation and Ongoing Clergy Formation, carrying on the good work of Helen Bozicevic as Mission Support Assistant.
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