Welcome Message (July E-News)

Bishop Patrick welcomes subscribers to the July Edition of the Diocesan E-News

Friday, July 29, 2022
Right Reverend Patrick McKinney

As I reflect on the past month I’m reminded first of our Clergy Conference. In spite of the intense heat and the air conditioning breaking down in our Conference room, they were enjoyable and helpful days. It’s always good for us to meet together socially and for prayer, but there also seems to have been general agreement that the talks given by Raymond Friel (CEO of Catholic Social Action Network), Fr Chris Ryan (an Australian Missionary of God’s Love) and Deacon Juan Carlos (from our diocese), were all very interesting and helpful. My grateful thanks to Karen Foong for organising the Conference, assisted by Helen Bozicevic and the Ongoing Formation advisers.

Earlier in the month it was a joy to be able, once again, to lead our Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. We prayed there for everyone in our diocese, especially those who are ill. I am very grateful to Fr Greg, Fr Simon, and all the diocesan Lourdes Committee for their planning and dedication, and to all the pilgrims who joined us. Discussions are now underway for the planning of the 2023 pilgrimage and I hope that many of you may be inspired to join us. Lourdes is a very special place!

The rest of the month was full of celebrations, with a large number of young people receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, several Jubilee celebrations of priestly ministry, and a celebration to mark the retirement of my secretary, Catherine Campbell, after twenty-two years of generous service to the diocese, twenty of which were spent at Bishop’s House! Thank you, Catherine.

It has also been a time of great change for many of our parishes and clergy, with a number of clergy retirements, both priests and deacons, from parish ministry, and some reorganisation and appointments to be made. I take this opportunity to thank both the clergy and parishioners for their openness and flexibility during this challenging time. The moves, which have already been announced in the parishes concerned, are all available in this E-News.

With prayer and good wishes, and the hope that you may enjoy a little relaxation over the next month,


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